Against the Criminalization of Communists

[This article was written and translated from its original German by our Comrade Klaus Markstein. While it is mostly relevant to our comrades and allies in Germany, it still highlights some of the dangers communists must face within the legal systems of the entire imperialist core.] “When the Nazis came for the communists, I remained... Continue Reading →

Women’s Rights in Afghanistan

Editor's note: The following article by Stephen Gowans was originally published on August 9, 2010 during a time when there was talk about a potential Taliban revival in Afghanistan. Although 11 years old, the article remains relevant today. Recently, the Taliban has been seeing yet another potential revival and appears to be gaining ground, seizing... Continue Reading →

From the Grayzone: US State Department accusation of China ‘genocide’ relied on data abuse and baseless claims by far-right ideologue

While there are some legitimate criticisms that can be made of the CCP, this article linked from The Grayzone points out that the allegations of genocide are dubious at best. The person responsible for the data used to advance the US claim of genocide has highly questionable motives, and not surprisingly, there is clear evidence... Continue Reading →

Iran is Willing to Send More Fuel to Venezuela

[Iran has been and and is willing to continue to supply Venezuela with petrol. Both countries are under sanctions by the US, and as a result are struggling with various sectors of their economy including oil production despite having large oil reserves. Iran has leapt to the assistance of its international fellow, Venezuela. This act... Continue Reading →

As Americans lose their jobs, Senate gears up to give Israel A MINIMUM of $38 billion over 10 years

[The US continues to bully the rest of the world for its little sibling, Israel. This week the United States threatened the ICC (International Criminal Court) against investigating Israeli war crimes. This comes as no surprise as both the US and Israel have committed numerous atrocities throughout history. Additionally, despite the burgeoning financial crisis, the... Continue Reading →

From the Lead Years to the Talcum Years

(Above) President Jair Bolsonaro, by the School of Samba Vigário Geral in the parade of Carnival 2020, in allusion to the Brazilian clown ‘Bozo’. Very appropriate. By Rivaldo Cardoso Melo Fifty-six years ago, on April 1, 1964 a coup d'état in Brazil installed a fascist regime that pledged to combat corruption and the “Red Threat”... Continue Reading →

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