Israel’s Secretive Nuclear Facility Leaking as Watchdog Finds Israel Has Nearly 100 Nukes

[This revelation highlights the complete hypocrisy of the US and its lapdogs as they fabricate more reasons to start a war of aggression against Iran. It has been well known for nearly half a century that Israel, the most belligerent and aggressive actor in the region, possesses atomic weapons. And now there is evidence that... Continue Reading →

Iran Isn’t Violating the Nuclear Agreement — America Is

[The Leading Light Communist Organisation (LLCO) hopes countries that have managed to operate outside of US/NATO tutelage will respond to any deal or concession offered by the empire of the United States with relentless suspicion. The US is not trying to limit Iran’s nuclear programme to maintain peace and regional stability. It is trying to... Continue Reading →

On the Situation in Korea

On the Situation in Korea by Rizal Roja 28 July 2017 As the situation on the Korean peninsula continues to grow more dangerous, the international left is thrown into confusion regarding the correct position to be taken. Some so called “revolutionaries”, particularly in North America, are yet again making themselves tools for Empire, going as... Continue Reading →

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