Indigenous-Led Protests Rock Ecuador Decrying IMF Deal and Demanding Moreno’s Resignation

[Indigenous groups in Ecuador are currently staging large-scale protests against harsh austerity measures that are being implemented by the ruling Moreno government as part of a $4.2 billion IMF loan deal. These austerity measures include massive hikes in fuel prices, causing the cost of food and transportation to rise sharply. Protesters have faced harsh repression... Continue Reading →

At least 15 police hurt as thousands rally in Ecuador

[USA tries to undermine social democrats in Ecuador. --NP] At least 15 police hurt as thousands rally in Ecuador by Paola Lopez Quito (AFP) - At least 15 officers were wounded and multiple arrests were reported in Quito as thousands gathered for rallies for and against leftist President Rafael Correa, officials said. Union and opposition... Continue Reading →

NY judge rules for Chevron in Ecuador case

[Capitalism is destroying our planet. Capitalism is depleting the planet's resources quicker than Earth can replenish them. Capitalism is a system based on greater and greater expansion. Capitalism cares nothing about the suffering of the masses nor the slow death of the Earth. Capitalism is about profit. It is about sacrificing humanity's long term interest... Continue Reading →

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