Will France, UK, US ever pay for what they have done to Yemen?

[Will the US, France, or the UK pay for what they have done? We won't be holding our breath. The UN is a weapon, and it is wielded by the powerful against the weak. It is incredibly naive to believe that any of the permanent members of the Security Council would be brought to justice... Continue Reading →

Washington’s war on Haiti and the neocolonial charity-industrial complex – with Kim Ives (video)

[The Haitian Revolution of 1791 was the largest and most successful slave revolt, culminating in Haiti’s independence from France in 1804. However, to this day, the Caribbean nation continues to be subjugated to imperialists -- the United States and France in particular. From the ousting of the popular, democratically elected and anti-imperialist government of Jean-Bertrand... Continue Reading →

Ousted Burkina Faso President, Blaise Compaore Charged in Thomas Sankara Killing

[Leftist reformer Sankara was murdered by a coup backed by the French imperialists. Another example of how imperialism works against any African leader who stands up for his people. -NP] Ousted Burkina Faso President, Blaise Compaore Charged in Thomas Sankara Killing (http://www.africacradle.com/) Ouagadougou (ACN) – Burkina Faso has issued an international warrant for ousted leader... Continue Reading →


EDWARD SAID'S DIARY ON MEETING SARTRE, DE BEAUVOIR AND FOUCAULT((http://www.lrb.co.uk/v22/n11/edward-said/diary)The following are quotes from Edward Said's diary  on meeting Sarte, De Beauvior, and Foucault. Said was very disappointed with the French intellectuals, especially Sarte and Foucault's support for Israel and De Beauvior's First Worldist feminism. The following is from Said's diary:Once the most celebrated intellectual, Jean-Paul... Continue Reading →

Niger: France and US should intervene in Libya

[Compradors ask imperialists to intervene in the Third World.  Asking them to intervene is like asking the fox into the the hen house. Imperialists created the problems. They have an interest in continued instability. The Libyan people, not the imperialists, will solve their own problems. -- NP] Niger: France and US should intervene in Libya... Continue Reading →

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