OP-ed | International Sports and Late-Stage Capitalism

By Janelle Velina In the former USSR, the Soviets understood that sports were originally supposed to be for the physical and communal benefit, as well as the genuine enjoyment, of the people. By taking capital out of the equation and by allowing the expansion and encouragement of mass participation, the arena of sports actually flourished under... Continue Reading →

OP-ed | The COVID-19 Pandemic – A Year Later

By Janelle Velina "Comrades, it is impossible to imagine the dreadful situation in the typhus regions, where the population is broken, weakened, without material resources, where all life, all public life ceases. To this we say, “Comrades, we must concentrate everything on this problem. Either the lice will defeat socialism, or socialism will defeat the... Continue Reading →

Hold the Front Page: The Reporters are Missing

[This article from Consortium News outlines some of the many issues that plague the mainstream media. The methods used by corporate media to push an agenda are often clever in their design. Additionally, States employ numerous techniques to manipulate and control public opinion through news outlets. As the article points out, the media has always... Continue Reading →

Slave trade takes root in post-Qaddafi Libya

Migrants for sale: Slave trade in Libya by Al Jazeera news http://www.aljazeera.com/programmes/countingthecost/2017/11/migrants-sale-slave-trade-libya-171126063748575.html [It is deplorable that slavery still exists in the 21st century, no less in a country that once offered the highest standard of living to its people under the heroic leadership of Colonel Muammar Qaddafi. Furthermore, this slavery is inextricably linked to western... Continue Reading →

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