Imperialist Media Ignores US Hypocrisy on Women in Afghanistan

[ After a year of returning to power, Afghanistan’s Taliban government has unsurprisingly renewed its crackdown on the rights of women. Most recently, it banned all levels of education for girls. Imperialist media is up in arms, painting the US as a "fierce defender of women’s rights," as the following article tries to do as... Continue Reading →

Women’s Rights in Afghanistan

Editor's note: The following article by Stephen Gowans was originally published on August 9, 2010 during a time when there was talk about a potential Taliban revival in Afghanistan. Although 11 years old, the article remains relevant today. Recently, the Taliban has been seeing yet another potential revival and appears to be gaining ground, seizing... Continue Reading →

Elite UK Military Unit Secretly Trained by “Leftist” Regime-change Advocate Gilbert Achcar and Other Academics

[This article highlights the fact that imperialist military-intelligence agencies have infiltrated ostensibly leftist academic circles, media outlets, and political publications. The imperialists employ phony “leftists” to mislead the public, especially in the imperialist countries, into supporting imperialist endeavors such as “regime-change” operations aimed at overthrowing independent governments that resist the Western empire. True communists and... Continue Reading →

A History of John McCain’s Calls for War

[On August 25th, 2018, Senator and former U.S. Republican Presidential candidate John McCain died at the age of 81; he was diagnosed with brain cancer last year on July 2017. Given the current climate of identity politics in the Trump Era, “anti-war” liberals have gone as far as to rehabilitate once-widely reviled war criminals such... Continue Reading →

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