Imperialist Media Ignores US Hypocrisy on Women in Afghanistan

[ After a year of returning to power, Afghanistan’s Taliban government has unsurprisingly renewed its crackdown on the rights of women. Most recently, it banned all levels of education for girls. Imperialist media is up in arms, painting the US as a "fierce defender of women’s rights," as the following article tries to do as... Continue Reading →

How myths and stereotypes colour rape sentencing in India

[Mao said that "Women hold up half of heaven!" Women are the world's majority. To rape anyone is to commit a horrible crime. To commit rape or sexual assault is to rob someone of their very soul. The women's struggle is an important one as it hits close to home for all. All comrades should... Continue Reading →

At the coal face: Mineral processing factory in Bangladesh where the women do all the hard work

( A photo essay of the tremendous oppression of women in Bangladesh, where capitalism intersects with patriarchy: Dusty days work: The women at the coal processing plant in Munshiganj, Bangladesh, sort through the waste coal using a giant sieve : Still smiling: Despite working long hours doing back breaking work, this coal worker happily offers... Continue Reading →

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