Brazil airlifts starving Yanomami tribal people from jungle

[As Lula fights to purge the attempted right-wing coup perpetrators from the Brazilian government, we are learning more about the abuses and human rights violations towards the Yanomami people under Jair Bolsonaro. The indigenous people of Brazil have been systematically poisoned by mining and subjected to deforestation in Brazil. This amounts to genocide against our... Continue Reading →

The violence against Indigenous protesters in Peru deserves our attention

[ After the ouster of progressive president of Peru Pedro Castillo by a right-wing congress, Peruvians -- especially indigenous peasants -- have taken to the streets in protest. While the MSNBC article below expresses sympathy for the protesters, it does this in the context of using their struggle to rally support for liberal partisan politics... Continue Reading →

Sanctions Are Not the Way to Help Haiti

[ Adding salt to the wounds Haiti has already suffered as a result of imperialism, U.S. legislators are now proposing that sanctions be imposed on the country, allegedly to combat gangs that have taken over much of Haiti’s capital as part of the recent turmoil there. Not only that, but a potential U.S. military intervention... Continue Reading →

From the Grayzone: US State Department accusation of China ‘genocide’ relied on data abuse and baseless claims by far-right ideologue

While there are some legitimate criticisms that can be made of the CCP, this article linked from The Grayzone points out that the allegations of genocide are dubious at best. The person responsible for the data used to advance the US claim of genocide has highly questionable motives, and not surprisingly, there is clear evidence... Continue Reading →

The Hidden Military Use of 5G Technology

[It is becoming more clear that the neoliberal globalist phase of capitalism -- with the American Empire as the world-dominating force that holds a monopoly over global markets -- is entering a new phase of competition between rival power blocs. Namely, in the field of advanced wireless technology, this power struggle is between the United... Continue Reading →

The Working Class and NeoMalthusianism

[Lenin reminds us in this 1913 article of the sinister, bourgeois, and reactionary nature of neo-Malthusianism which is a defeatist and anti-worker outlook that is antithetical to historical progress. In more recent years, adopting this extremely misanthropic stance with regard to the environment and climate change seems to be an increasing (and alarming) trend in... Continue Reading →

Collapse Of Ukraine’s Health Sector

[It should come as no surprise that Ukraine’s health sector would be among the hardest hit in the aftermath of the 2014 Western.-backed coup. As noted by the author below, the country’s health care system had already started to deteriorate following its “independence” and the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991 as it went... Continue Reading →

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