We should applaud the Syrian military’s actions in Idlib, not deplore them

[The Syrian Arab Army's struggle to liberate Idlib is still ongoing, currently engaging in combat against Turkish-backed factions of the so-called "moderate rebels". Turkey is a long time NATO member and was one of the Washington's allies from the beginning of the United States' war on Syria, alongside the Gulf States, Jordan, Israel, and other... Continue Reading →

A Quick Retrospective on Syria

[This may be old news to some of our audience, however we believe it is important to highlight information that some people might not be aware of. This is especially prudent considering the recent US partial troop withdrawal from the Syrian boarder with Turkey, and the resulting uproar from both major US political parties clamoring... Continue Reading →

Key events in a month of Turkish unrest

[This is a compilation of recent events that are shaping the current situation in Turkey and Kurdistan. -Uziel] Istanbul (AFP) - Eight Turkish soldiers were killed in an attack on Wednesday and militants in Istanbul launched an attack on the palace housing the prime minister's offices. Here are the main developments since a huge attack... Continue Reading →

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