Against the Criminalization of Communists

[This article was written and translated from its original German by our Comrade Klaus Markstein. While it is mostly relevant to our comrades and allies in Germany, it still highlights some of the dangers communists must face within the legal systems of the entire imperialist core.] “When the Nazis came for the communists, I remained... Continue Reading →

Saudi delays more flogging of blogger on medical grounds

[Western imperialists are hypocrites. They claim to represent freedom of speech, yet they provide millions and millions in military aid and training to Saudi Arabia, which is a First World dictatorship that brutalizes its people and migrant workers. It is a brutal regime that inflicts terror against its Arab neighbors. It is a brutal dictatorship... Continue Reading →

Industrial band Skinny Puppy demand $666,000 after music is used in Guantánamo torture

( A Canadian electro-industrial band is asking for thousands of dollars in royalties after learning that the US military used their music to torture prisoners at Guantánamo Bay. Skinny Puppy claim they filed a $666,000 (£368,000) bill with America'd defence department. "We sent them an invoice for our musical services considering they had gone ahead... Continue Reading →

Rights group: Police torture in Philippines rife

[Human rights is a joke under capitalism - NP] MANILA, Philippines (AP) — Amnesty International said Thursday that five years after the Philippines passed a law criminalizing torture, the practice continues, with an overstretched police force resorting to "shortcuts" to extract confessions from criminal suspects. The Philippine National Police has acknowledged violations persist but stressed... Continue Reading →

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