‘Pacifist’ Japan Re-Militarizes

[ Despite its pledges of pacifism following World War II, Japan has been re-arming itself in recent years. While its government claims that it is responding to the supposed "threat" of China and North Korea, Japan acts as an extension of US imperialism in the region. As communists, we should see this rearmament for what... Continue Reading →

A History of John McCain’s Calls for War

[On August 25th, 2018, Senator and former U.S. Republican Presidential candidate John McCain died at the age of 81; he was diagnosed with brain cancer last year on July 2017. Given the current climate of identity politics in the Trump Era, “anti-war” liberals have gone as far as to rehabilitate once-widely reviled war criminals such... Continue Reading →

On the Situation in Korea

On the Situation in Korea by Rizal Roja 28 July 2017 As the situation on the Korean peninsula continues to grow more dangerous, the international left is thrown into confusion regarding the correct position to be taken. Some so called “revolutionaries”, particularly in North America, are yet again making themselves tools for Empire, going as... Continue Reading →

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