No Easter Celebrations for Palestinian Christians

There is a growing problem of persecution of religious minorities in the areas occupied by Israel. The fact that Israeli police deny Palestinian Muslims access to the Al-Aqsa Mosque on Islamic Holy days is well-documented. However, Israel also denies Palestinian Christians access to their Holy Sites. Israel has announced that they will close East Jerusalem... Continue Reading →

US designates Yemen’s Houthis as ‘global terrorists’

["If fighting genocide is terrorism, only terrorists will fight genocide!" After attacking Yemen with hundreds of missile sorties in the last few weeks, the US has declared Ansarallah (Houthis) a terrorist organization. This comes after nearly a decade of a Saudi executed, US supported genocidal war in Yemen. The US argues this renewed aggression against... Continue Reading →

The Palestinian Struggle Continues

Although the struggle for Palestinian Liberation is currently led by religious organizations, historically secular-leftist organizations -- such as the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), a Marxist-Leninist party; and other members of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) -- have been at the forefront of the struggle. In this period of resistance, it is... Continue Reading →

‘Pacifist’ Japan Re-Militarizes

[ Despite its pledges of pacifism following World War II, Japan has been re-arming itself in recent years. While its government claims that it is responding to the supposed "threat" of China and North Korea, Japan acts as an extension of US imperialism in the region. As communists, we should see this rearmament for what... Continue Reading →

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